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Kopplin Controls


Circuit Design

Have questions about a pneumatic circuit?  Not sure if it will work?  We will use our 50+ years of pneumatic experience and analyze your circuit and help you design it.


Error Proofing 

Have a process where error proofing is essential?  We will look at ANY process and suggest ways to error proof the process.


Machine Guarding

Have a machine that you're not sure how to guard?  We will meet with you, analyze the situation and suggest the best procedure to ensure that you meet or exceed all of MIOSHA criteria.


Machine Safety Surveys

Do you have questions about your current machine guarding?  Not sure if your current setup meets MIOSHA requirements?  We have helped train OSHA employees and are aware of ALL new ANSI and OSHA standards.


Component Assembly Service

Do you want experts assembling your components?  Do you like the idea of having the parts ready to bolt on the machine right out of the box?  We will gladly assemble your components and have them ready to install the minute they enter your facility and they will be done right the FIRST time.


Safety Standards Risk Assessment

Not sure if you require category 3 or 4?  Not sure what categories even are?  We can tell you.  We will use our one half century of experience to tell you exactly what you need.  We will never suggest any more than you need or any less.


Machine Rebuilding / Reconditioning

Is your equipment constantly breaking down or running slow. Is it unsafe? We can rebuild it for a fraction of the cost of new equipment. We can retrofit the controls and tooling to meet your production requirements.



We offer training either at your facility or ours. We can teach you how to do a safety risk assessment, design pneumatic safety circuits, design pneumatic circuits, OSHA and ANSI standards.

Kopplin Controls - Services
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